Manual Lymphdrainage Massage
Manual lymphdrainage is a therapeutic treatment in which the therapist performs gentle hand pressure with specific touches leading to release the lymph flow.
Lymph flows from the intercellular space through capillaries, lymph vessels and nodes and afterwards it is sucked into the bloodstream. The main lymphatic duct opens into the superior vena cava near the heart .
At the beginning of each therapy, lymphatic drainage must be preceded by the so-called opening of the descending lymph nodes. The pressure that the therapist exerts with his palms and fingers is very gentle but strong enough. Manual strokes over the lymphatic vessels are always directed towards the lymph nodes.
These movements stimulate the movement of the lymph towards the right collarbone, where the main lymphatic duct opens into the upper vena cava and the lymph flows into the bloodstream.
Indications for manual lymphdrainage massage
- swelling, with the exception of swelling in severe heart, kidney and liver diseases
- prevention of varicose veins
- osteoarthritis, gout, rheumatic diseases
- heavy legs feelings
- postoperative and post-traumatic conditions
- weakening of the immune system
- migraines, headaches
- in the detoxification of the organism
- regeneration after exercise
- prevention of back and muscle pain
- cellulite
- increased local fat storage (lipedema, gynoid obesity)
- water retention in the body during hormonal problems
- chronic fatigue
Contraindications to manual lymphatic drainage
- oncological diseases
- swelling caused by heart, kidney, liver disease
- acute viral or bacterial disease
- acute venous disease
- acute thrombosis
- heart failure
- open wounds and skin defects
- acute allergy